Saturday, March 8, 2008

Malaysian Elections

Today is the biggest happening thing ever in Malaysia. Well it's the Malaysian Elections. Actually I'm not really following who's winning or whatever. It's just that I love politics! :) Here in Malaysia, the election results is quite late and they are still seeing which party is the winner. Some will vote for the government and some will vote for the opposition. But who is the winner. This is the thing that we don't know yet. By the time I'm writing this, the results are still going out. Still very tense. Everyone wants to know what is the results and see who will be the next prime minister.

Anyway, it doesn't matter who wins. For me, it all depends on how God wants a leader of a country to be. If it happens that the winner is a party that you don't like, remember that it happens for a reason. I know that some will complain a lot and say "alamak why this one win lah! i dun like this fello lah!" (I'm just guessing only). That's what most citizens will do when the party they voted for failed to win. Guys and girls, why do you all complain about politics and then you say that your country is bad? Why do you vote for a party and then regret and live a miserable life? Why do you say that politics is dirty but you all talk about it all the time?

Guys and girls, politics is not dirty! You criticize about it all the time! You say that your education is not as good as other countries do. You say that your government is most of the time malays. You say that the taxes are too high. You say that your country is dominated by malays and lot of complains. But, you people of Malaysia, I'm not Malaysian but please do something for your country! Stop complaining! Instead of saying, "Don't worry, be happy!", NO!!! Rise up new leaders of your country! Young people, you are the next leader of the generation afterwards! Rise UP PEOPLE!!! Don't worry, DO SOMETHING!!! When you start doing something, that's where changes come in! It won't come drastically but at least it starts slowly. Who knows the generation after you might benefit what you have worked in? C'mon people! It's for the good of your children's children. At least you clean the group and you sow the good seed! It won't grow so fast but it takes time. Same in politics, it will take time.

Stand up and make a difference in your country and make Malaysia a country that is multicultural and multiracial and multi-religion. You must have freedom of religion else how people will respect you if you don't respect theirs? If Malaysia is truly Asia as it is known, why don't you be a true Asian who is welcoming? Asians brings a lot of cultures but what you do is that you don't respect the other one. Start accepting others. You are born in the same country, why fight for unnecessary reason? Although you have different cultures, learn from it and accept it. Do you think that you're better than them? No not at all!

Again, I would like to encourage you all to rise up for the benefit of your country. If you vote, vote wisely. The thing that I learned today in Pat Mesiti conference is, BE PASSIONATE! So guys and girls, be passionate about your country and about your people. Passion never dies, it is buried only. So burn with passion in your heart and take up the stand! :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Robin..

sometimes, some things are best left to the locals.

I mean, we all have different perception(s) of how things happen. But in order to know what is truly happening, you have to learn and find out MORE things that are NOT reported in the mainstream newspaper..

A Mass comm student would normally learn about bias, esp when it comes to media bias. There are too many gate keepers, too many restrictions, too many other people filtering news and they are the ones who DETERMINES what is news for us.

And this resulted in many of our own people believing in the glossy pictures of Malaysia. But with the recent winds of change in the political line, many people are either happy or sad because there are (finally) changes made.

Who knows if the change is for the better or for worse, and who knows what will happen next?

We Malaysians, as much as we complain a lot, we are not people who would stand up and fight like hell and get ourselves detained by ISA, IF** we were to ever say something wrong.

Not every country has ISA, and that is one thing you might not have known. ISA was used against traitors, terrorists, or people whom our government identifies as 'dangerous'. Sedition Act also caused one of our favorite women activist, Irene Fernandez to be detained twice when all she wanted to do was just to tell the truth and to protect other women's rights...

Do google up on these and read 1st, then you would understand why the Spiral of Silence is still keeping us reserved.

Sometimes, its only the locals who would know where the treasures of their lands are being buried...

So, politics in Malaysia is something very complex. Not to say that its dirty or what, but the complexity encompasses too many aspects. It depends on how you view it.

But Malaysia is still peaceful till now because our own rakyat know that if they were to really fight back, not only they would lose, their country would suffer. So, everything takes time. And don't worry too much about our politics as it is really colorful and interesting!