Today's post will be all about love, love, love. Yeah I'm gonna talk about love, love, love! This is what I think love is all about.
Yesterday before I went for my CF evaluation meeting, I was being interviewed by one of my seniors. I don't want to mention about her name now, because she hasn't passed up the work yet. So anyway, I hope that she can get good marks on that! :)
The main question I was asked is, "What is the meaning of love for you?" To tell you the truth, a lot of people will say that it's too broad topic. Yes it's true. It's a very large and broad topic. Actually I describe love differently for different people.
1. Love my parents 2. Love my siblings 3. Love my friends 4. Love my life-partner
I had to describe how I would love each of these in my life. Well it took more than 1 hour to just talk about love. It's a very interesting topic because many people sees love in a different aspect. While she was interviewing me, she was deeply moved by my aspect of love. Somehow love is all about how to treat others and how you want them to treat you in the same way. It's like an exchange but this is called a love exchange.
When I'm talking about love, it's not about SEX! Many people nowadays, especially guys which is very shameful to say, think that love equals to sex! How can you think of something physical if you inner-self is not being controlled by you? Your values counts. Most girls actually doesn't seek for sex in a relationship. They seek for care, respect and devotion to them. So guys, control yourselves!!!
Let me elaborate on different way I expresses my love to people.
The way I expresses my love to my parents is by helping them. For example, I help them in doing the chores or if I need to carry some stuffs, I will do so. At first I was not very helpful to my parents and I didn't respect them at all. But with time I realized that they have raised me up since I was born and I should be grateful for them. All these times I was not really grateful at all. I was proud, selfish and arrogant. I won't even say Happy Birthday to my mum at that time. But now I've changed.
The other thing that I realized is that my parents are becoming old and somehow I'm becoming a strong young man. I believe that all these times they have taken care of me since I was young, now it is my duty as their own child to take care of my parents as they grow older. Sooner or later, they won't have strength to carry things, so that's where I will offer them my strength. This is how I love my parents.
My siblings is another way for me to express my love to them. According to Dr Gary Chapman, he describes 5 love languages that we expresses and feel towards people. Click here for more details. For my brother, although he's younger than me by 1 year, he thinks that he is the eldest. Anyway, my approach in demonstrating my love to him, is by respecting him. If I respect him, he will respect me. Stating one of the 5 love languages, his love language is Words of Affirmation. If I don't praise him or encourage him or cheer him up, he doesn't feel that I love him. But if I do, then he will feel loved. Whereas my sister, her approach is different from my brother. As my love language is Quality time, so I would spend time more with my sister, but it's not her love language. So all these time I had to see what is her love language in a way I can express my love to her. Well her love language is Acts of Service. For example, she likes cooking and she would prefer that I help her to mixing the ingredients and washing the dishes than to praise her and tell her that her food is good. She's that type of person that expects that you'll help her without she asking you.
The way I expresses my love to my friends is by caring. Justify my answer, as my interviewer will always say. Well caring for my friends is something to sacrifice such as my time and money. Somehow Quality Time is very important for me in my friendships. It helps me to know the people I'm friends with and how I can help them and how they can help me. In other terms, I expect something from a friend as I sacrifice my time and money for them. You would say that I'm rich that's why I can sacrifice my money. Actually you see, if one day your friend is in need and don't have money to eat, at least you can help. Although your friend has money but if you bless your friend a meal for example, next time it may not be your friend but somebody will know that you're a generous person. That's where your fame increases and you get to know more friends. Yeah somehow some just come for my money, but in the end, this friendship doesn't last for long because of the wrong intention of the person. Last time I was reading my Bible during my devotion. I came across this verse in, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13, NIV)
Alright I don't have any partner for the moment but I believe that I'll have one soon!!! :) Anyway this is how I'm going to treat my lovely one. The approach that I'll be giving is about Quality Time again. Yes Quality Time is very important in a couple life. That's my concept. My interviewer asked me if I believe in long distance relationship. Well actually I don't believe that it will work for long. The percentage is very super less that they will still be together for the rest of their lives. I believe that if someone wants to based their relationship on a long distance, it must be based on a very strong foundation of love, commitment, sincerity and understanding. Without these components, I don't think that the long distance relationship will last forever. Love is not something to be played with but something that we live with! Nowadays a lot of young people just try to have a relationship with someone then see if he/she is the right one. I don't advice to try because you might not know what is the other one's feeling especially if it's a girl. It's very bad that you're the guy and you start a relationship with this girl and then you break up with her because she's not your type. Don't you think that the girl will hate you for that and that you've broken her heart where she was hoping on you? The way guys see things and girls see things are completely different. My interviewer continues and asked, "what are you finding in a girl?" Hmm.. it's a very interesting question indeed. A lot of people will look on the physical first but I'm the contrary of that. I look at the attitude, behavior and character. If it doesn't match with me, then I'm so sorry you're not the one. Physical attraction comes second place for me. Of course I'd like to have a pretty girl to be my girlfriend. Let's say the girl is super hot but then she might be dumb! Well most of the time it's like that, there's a lot of sexy and hot babes, but actually they are dumb. Pretty on outside but not on the inside, is equal to a miserable lifetime but pretty on the inside, it will reflect on the outside (coz she's smart), that's where you'll live the best lifetime. Well that's all about love for today, the interview ended with my senior after 1 hour. I'm happy that I've been able to help her in her assignment. I'm getting tired to typing and having inspirations of writing. Anyway before you all go, I just want to share with you 2 videos that really describe a father's love for her daughter. I hope that this will bless you. Enjoy! :) -Steven Curtis Chapman Videos-
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