Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Just a random post

This post is just a random post.

Sometimes I feel that I have a very high expection on something but in the end it never happens. I've learned that we must think BIG and dream BIG. Actually I have a very big dream in my heart. This dream may sound ridiculous to some of you. My biggest dream, that I have in the corner of my heart, is to be someone famous, with high standard, so that I can make a big impact in my country especially in the younger generation. Well that's indeed very big I know. Some of you may think that my dream is too big and that it's impossible to achieve it. Well I believe with all my heart that I can achieve this big dream. If it is impossible, tell me how David killed Goliath the Giant?

I've been watching a movie recently, which I've borrowed from Caleb. It's called Facing the Giants. It's a Christian movie with a lot of Christian values. Indeed it's a good movie where you think there's no way but little did you know that there's a way for whoever who believes in God. This movie challenged me a lot in my faith and my growth in God. Where everything looks impossble to do, there's a way to make it possible!

This week I'm quite busy with a lot of stuffs. I have to go for the conference with Pat Mesiti. He's indeed a very good speaker and motivational person. So I didn't miss any of his meeting so far. I even received a book from him on the first day. His book is "How to get a millionaire mindset." I even got his signature and a picture with him but the picture is with Ivy. She is now blackmailing me to do something for her so that she gives me the picture. Anyway, I was saying that I was quite busy and the other things that I'm busy if right now is the CF Easter Rally and the International Welcoming party. Yes!! I'm in this international thing again! I think that I'm stuck in until I resign from the Student Council. Being the Vice President for the International Student as Student Council, this task makes me sweat a lot and sometimes brings nightmare.; Every time when I sleep, I think about it, I dream about it and I wake up with it. That's why these days I'm very lazy to wake up.

For the past 4 semesters that I've been to UCSI, I've been organizing the International Welcome Party. If you count well, yeah it's since I first joined UCSI. Since I've joined this school, I'm the chairperson to organize this event every semester. At first I said, it's not good but I can improve. Then on my second semester I wanted to improve it by having a committee. Indeed the committe people were really good at first, but little did I know that I would be betrayed by my own people. If you know that you're the leader of a group, you should respect the person and listen to everything that he has to say right? But there was this girl and this guy who was my MC and DJ respectively, they both did the things on their way. So that's why from an international welcome party, I had an african night!!! So the following semester I was so disappointed and then that's the time where I joined the Student Council and they put me as the post of the Vice President of the International Students. I was so excited at first that I got this post. But with time, you know, you get to do the same thing all the time and even the student council themselves not very cooperative. I feel that I didn't have enough backup for these past semesters. I didn't really have a team because everyone that I trusted, it ended up as a disaster.

Well as I said it's just a random post. Thanks for reading and I hope that I won't make your life a mess as you read this post.

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