Monday, April 21, 2008

a day to the beach - part 1

Wohooo!!! Robin's at the Beach!!! :D

Who is this handsome young guy under the coconut tree at the beach?

Remember I went to Caudan Waterfront? See me previous post! Then I planned with Kayne and Irene to go to the beach since there's nothing interesting to go to the beach and go hiking. To go hiking we need to plan well, so the following day, which was a Saturday, we decided to go to the beach instead. We've called a bunch of other friends to join us as well because the more the merrier! :) Irene, Kayne and I took the bus at 10AM and it took us around 1hr from Port Louis to reach there.





Hehe... Happily Eating the Ice Cream!!!

To our surprise, there were not so many people that day, which is good, the beach belonged to us! :D hehe... While doing some snapshots of the beach and some interesting things that you won't find in Malaysia, we were waiting for the other bunch of friends to join us. We did a lot of crazy snapshots that we even took picture of an innocent pigeon. (Hey pigeon, stop complaining, I'm making you famous throughout my blog to the whole world ok?)

A Proud Mauritian Pigeon doing catwalk! :p

I love ORANGINA!!!


Irene, Kayne and Robin Vs. Our Shadow!!!

Soon after that Kenny and Fatino came and they brought us to the best place where there won't be a lot of people and get the beach for ourselves. Indeed we had to climb some rocks to reach there. As we reached there, the place was so beautiful. Some of us walked by the side of the water. The water was not so cold as it was supposed to be.

Just reached the best place of the beach! :D

I made this out of the Filao Seeds!!! :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

There's no such thing as a free lunch

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

This is very popular expression heard by many especially from adults. Do you all know what does this mean? It means whatever I give you, you shall give me back in return. I heard of this expression again yesterday during a conference in my church over here. Well actually for me it's partly true. Somehow I don't expect anything else when I treat somebody lunch or dinner apart from saying the magic word, "Thank You!"

Today I went to Caudan Waterfront to meet Kayne and Irene. I didn't know that I'll meet a bunch of our friends there too but it was great seeing them all. Soon we met Elsie, Irene's sister, there as she would join us for lunch. In the end there were only Kayne, Irene, Elsie and myself for lunch. We were quite struggling what to eat because there's nothing much special to eat in the food court of Caudan. Therefore we went to eat McDonald's, the only one in Mauritius, which I don't really like to eat there. I prefer KFC 100times more than the McDonald's in Mauritius. Anyway we went there and I treated them lunch. At first they thought that I was joking when I said that I'll treat them lunch but I really did buy them lunch and I didn't expect anything in return.

Some pictures of Caudan Waterfront, Port Louis

Actually treating people food is not very common in Mauritius, especially among the youths. But I learned this culture of treating people food in City Harvest Church. When you buy them food, you're showing love towards your friend. Sometimes it's true that friendship costs!!! Yes! It's the same as you're going on a date. If you don't have money to treat the other one, how can you go on a date? It's very shameful if you can't even afford a date, especially a first date. Money plays a big role in the lives of everybody. Money cannot buy love but it is a catalyst to increase the level of your love. Even the Bible says so in John 15:12-13, "Love one another as I love you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Laying down your life is a sacrifice, and a sacrifice costs!

I'm pretty blessed that I've treated my friends today but I love them all and I believe that they were pretty blessed as well. I hope that after reading this, you learn that the love of your friends cost and that it encourages you to reach out for more friends.

Tomorrow I'm planning to go out to the beach with some friends. Hehe... You know how to beach of Mauritius are! Yeah I will get tanned! :P haha

Monday, April 14, 2008

Now in Mauritius!

Hello people!

It's been quite long that I haven't blog. Well first of all the connection here is quite slow compared to KL. For those who don't know, I balik kampung already, means I went back to my hometown, which is Mauritius. Huh? HE'S BACK ALREADY AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW??? Yeah sorry it was quite last min also because my flight was not confirmed and then I didn't meet all of you, so I could tell to you all. I know that I've could have posted it on my blog as an announcement but I wanted to surprise my friends over here. Now that I've surprised them already, I'm telling you that I'm now in Mauritius. hehe...

On the first day the land of Mauritius, it was quite warm to my surprise. I thought that it would be colder as winter should be around this period. At the airport, I had to take my luggage and my guitar. I had my luggage except my guitar. WHERE IS IT??? I was getting worried, so I went to ask one of the guy who was in charge of the luggage. "Excuse me, is that all as luggage from the plane?" He replied, "Yes. What are you looking for?" "I'm looking for my guitar!" Then he pointed at the back. To my surprised it was just behind me and I didn't notice it. Anyway after that is the direction to the customs. I hate the customs because of what that "guy" did last year when I went back for holidays. Last year that "guy" opened my luggage any nothing else and took out everything out of it and he told me in a very rude way, "Sorry I have to do this, that's my job!" Then he took out everything out of it and guess what? I'm the one who has to put it back!!! Not only he was very rude but his attitude lead him a bad action. Anyway last year was last year, but this year I praise God that I had a very good custom who smiled and joked with me and he didn't have to check my luggage. :)

Alright here it goes everything that I've been doing so far. There's nothing special actually. I was hoping to take pictures but sometimes the situation doesn't allow. On my arrival, I hid for 2 days and finally made a very BIG surprise to my friends. I tried to play a prank on some people first. There was Wendy, my previous cell leader, I called her and pretended that I was still in Malaysia and she believed because she was not hearing properly on the phone. We talked for quite long and then I've talked to his brother Andy, a very good friend of mine. But he guessed that I was in Mauritius because it sounded suspicious for him. Haha!!! Well he's smarter than before! Actually I called him because I wanted to stay at his place to spend some time with him. The other person that I played a prank with is Kayne, a very good and faithful friend of mine. He's a guy somehow my twin brother. He's very passionate and loves guitar! On the day I arrived Mauritius, I saw him online, so I chatted with him and asked how is he, etc. Then he thought that I was still in Malaysia, so we talked about university stuffs and what are the facilities, etc. I've chatted with him for 3 days including the day I was about to meet him. hehe... I'm bad I know! :P

On Friday night, there was a Praise And Worship Night in St Paul's Church, my home church. Wendy and Kayne were there too. So I just went there as nothing happens and I wore my Tshirt "A Sight for Sore Eyes!" so that I appear to be blur! As I entered in the hall, Kayne saw me and he rushed to him and started to kick me because I didn't tell him that I was already in Mauritius by the time I chatted with him. :P hehe... Well a surprise is a surprise after all! :) The surprise succeeded and I met a lot of my friends there who I missed a lot. Most of them changed because they grew up so tall that I couldn't recognize some of them. But it was so good to meet them all. :)

Apart from that my parents and sister came back, I received a lot of gifts such as shirts, cash, my ATM card, and getting more stuffs. :) As my parents came back, I've terribly been blessed with food and lots of food everyday. My cousin who is a baker, baked some cakes for me. Wow!!! I tell you, Mauritius is my home and it's the paradise here already! :P hehe... Well I have been gaining weight but trying to appreciate the food and eat lightly. I said I will try but sometimes the food are too tempting to eat!!! Miam!!! :P hehe...

Well just to keep you all informed that I'm home. If there's anything, you can still message me on MSN or email me.

God bless you all!!!

Will be back in Malaysia in 2 weeks!!! So be good ok? If not, no gifts for u! :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Punky Moods

Hello! I'm supposed to be studying now. But just a quick note. Today I'm introducing PunkyMoods!!! Well for those who don't know what I'm talking about, PunkyMoods is to express your mood through your website or blog. As you can see on my right hand side, is an example of it. You can tell your friends your mood of today. It will help you in some ways to have a good relationship with that person. If you see angry, better don't disturb the person. If you see happy, then you can talk to the person. Maybe he/she will make you happier! :)

So put on some moods on your blog right now! Just simply click here to register and it's completely FREE! :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

kids are so adorable

Ok I like kids a lot, especially when they are still babies! Some of you might say, "wow he can be a good father!" Well we'll see, not my time yet to judge it yet! :p hehe...

Anyway I just want to share these videos with you coz I think they are cute and adorable kids! :) Well some part it's just so funny because they don't say the write words. They are just kids and they are totally innocent! :)

Frog or F*ck? She's just so cute and innocent ^^

Yeah she's so "Geng" to kick the monster's ass!!!

I love you mommy but only when u give me cookies! :)