Friday, May 15, 2009

I Hate Blood Donation!!!

Align Center
I HATE HATE HATE BLOOD DONATION!!!!!!! Ok it's true that by donating the blood, we are saving lives of people BUT I CAN'T TAKE IT!!! I'm a blood phobia by the way... I can't see a huge amount of blood. If I got a scratch or a small cut, I don't mind. I'm okay with it. But when there's a large HUGE amount of blood, I can either faint straight away or puke the same amount of blood!!! (ok maybe im exaggerating :p)

Apparently this week is blood donation week!!! Today in UCSI, there's blood donation and it's just at the lobby where everybody passes through it and the cafeteria is just next to it!!! Can you believe that? I just had lunch outside uni and I had to come to uni. So I walked by all the beds and nurses all around, with bags of blood, with LARGE HUGE NEEDLES!!! Oh NO!!!! I'm trembling by the time I'm typing this... scary.... yeerr.... So I had no choice but walked across all those beds and I don't dare to look at people all around me!!!

This is what happened to me next. I felt very uneasy and I started to feel dizzy a bit, felt like I'm gonna faint at any moment. I rushed quickly to the library and find a seat... Suddenly I felt like vomiting!!! I didn't but I could feel all the chicken rice that I had earlier was coming up in a very terrible manner. Maybe when it would have come out, you could get a very hot chicken rice for yourself! :p hahaha!!! Yurks!!!!

Anyway this Sunday, there's also blood donation in church and trust me, I'm not gonna give my blood away!!! That's too scary man! Ok some guys would say, "Be a man, show the girls that you're a man!" What is there to show anyway? Everyone has a greatest fear in life but it doesn't mean that the person is weak. Btw I can see blood if it's a very small portion only. If I watch on TV those criminal shows and shows like Grey's Anatomy, CSI, etc, I can still survive. Because somehow I just know that it's fake. Whereas during blood donation, you can smell those medical stuffs and look at the amount of blood pouring into the blood bag, it's just... just... *faint*....


mozozozo said...

how come you're not scared of chicken and fish blood too huh...

carine said...

I like to see the needles going into my veins haha :D

Robin Chan said...

Zoey - I never said that I'm not scared of those... anyway, maybe because the destiny of a chicken and fish is to die and to be chopped and to be eaten as well, whereas humans don't deserve to die in such a way. :p hahaha!!!

Carine - Good for u!!! Btw don't go on drugs ya! hahaha!!

Anonymous said...

i too, want to vomit at the sight of blood x.x